We specialize in website design & development for small to medium sized businesses.
MediaFocus is a website design and website hosting company servicing businesses in Sarasota & Manatee County, other Florida Counties, various States, and even Countries. Its team consists of programmers with 28+ years of experience in developing successful websites and programming database solutions.
MediaFocus specializes in designing custom websites as content management systems (CMS – WordPress) for small to mid-size businesses, ranging from landing pages and small business websites to complete database driven e-commerce solutions. While designing visually appealing, responsive and mobile friendly websites for their clients, MediaFocus puts strong emphasis on developing each website as a search engine optimized marketing tool, creating a balance of visual appeal and text, capturing the viewer’s attention, and guiding the visitor through a clear and easy website navigation in order to turn visitors into customers.
Scarlet Strapko, the owner and manager of MediaFocus, completed four years of college studying Business Sciences with a major in Marketing, graduating summa cum laude from the Fachhochschule Augsburg, Germany. She started her career as a Product Development Manager at WEKA Publishing in Germany and was later promoted to direct the graphic design department and product development department of WEKA Publishing, Inc. in CT. In 1996 she started her own business MediaFocus International, LLC, focusing on website development, graphic design, and marketing.